#SmilingBaby Meets His GodBrother

This is going to be a quick post because I have a lot of work to do for Smilng Marketress Consulting tonight. I don’t like working on weekends, but I have big deadline this week.

So for the past month, Cristian and I have been sick with something. This weekend was the first weekend we both felt good. We finally got to go visit baby Austin. His mom and I went to Carbondale Community High School together back in the day. I reached out to her before I moved to Atlanta. We connected and have become great friends. She’s Cristian’s Aunt Nikki. He loves her, and she loves him.  So right around the time I had Cristian, maybe a little before, Nikki tells me she’s pregnant. I was hoping she’d have a little boy so our boys could grow up together.  This little man made his appearance late December.

So we finally made to see Mr. Austin. I was pretty excited, and curious about how Cristian would react to his mommy holding another baby. Little dude did not care. When he finally was interested, he came and tried to pet Austin’s head. I took his hand, and we practiced being gentle. He bacame a little more curious throughout our visit, and did great.

It’s been since Thanksgiving that Nikki saw Cristian. He wasn’t really crawling then…or standing. So she was little surprised to see him zip across her floor and stand in front of her TV. We’re going to have our handsful when both boys will be mobile and moving.

And to make the day even more special, Nikki and Charles asked me to be godmother. It’s an honor. I’m so excited to watch Austin and Cristian grow up together. They’ll be the best of friends, I’m sure!

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